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Best compact stroller: Leclerc Baby

leclerc baby

Leclerc Baby was developed from the ambition to be free and to increase freedom of movement for parents. Leclerc Baby stands for smart solutions. Problems exist to be solved, and our brand was created with this in mind. As a parent, you automatically deal with less freedom of movement, a limitation that does not need to exist, according to the pioneers behind Leclerc Baby. “We put our innovative minds together and our vision soon became clear… Making parenting easier!”

There are no written rules for parenthood. Parenting brings with it an enormous change, a world filled with love and new challenges. We at Leclerc Baby want parents to feel the freedom to travel and enjoy parenthood. Our vision is clear: support parents in easing their daily role during this new phase of life. Therefore, we have equipped our strollers with 100% convenience. Our strollers fold and unfold in 1.5 seconds with the push of a button, freeing your other arm to focus on your child. “Never alone, always together”.

Our enthusiastic professionals, with a passion for simplicity, devote a great deal of attention to devising and developing high-quality goods before a Leclerc Baby product hits the market. They always ensure safety is paramount and they are focused on our core values: convenience and comfort.

Leclerc  Influencer Stroller

The award-winning Influencer stroller is the trendsetter in the market. It is a combination of stunning colours, beautiful materials and the super comfortable compact-folding system. With just one push of a button, you can fold and unfold your pram with one hand within 1.5 seconds! Weighing only 6.6kg it’s easy to lift in and out of your car, overhead compartment in a plane or other storage place.

The buggy can also be converted into a pram by adding the matching foldable carrycot. The compact fold carrycot enables the products to be used for the smallest of babies with the convenience of the compact fold on both the stroller and carrycot.

Our strollers are safe, compact, lightweight and easily stored in small spaces, keeping your active lifestyle in mind. With great attention to detail and design, the Leclerc Baby stroller has a comfortable, soft padded seat and four-wheel suspension for maximum comfort, and is available in different variants and several elegant colours.

Let’s share some more product specifications that we adore: the stroller has a two-way removable bumper bar and a sun canopy with 50+ SPF protection, ventilation mesh and a peekaboo window to keep an eye on your sleeping child. Reclining backrest in three positions, including completely flat for naps, which are very comfortable with the leg rest up to create a comfy bed. Add the rain cover for unexpected changes in weather and the cup holder for your or your baby’s drink. All of these features, particularly the one-handed fold and unfold, make Leclerc Baby strollers an ideal travel companion for families.

The Absolutely Mama team reviewed the buggy and we’re so happy they created such a clear and elaborative article and video.

The Influencer collection comes in four different colours combined with a metallic base and includes 14 compatible accessories.

Every parent has felt the need for an extra set of hands when it comes to folding and unfolding a stroller. This can often lead to quite some frustration, which can prevent you from offering your son or daughter the attention they deserve. Problems such as these should be a thing of the past. That’s why you should vote for us. If you need more convincing, take a look at the very detailed video review of the Influencer Stroller by Nina from Absolutely Mama:

The Influencer by Leclerc Baby review

As a young company that hit the market in 2020, we are confident in our products and have already won gold awards in the United Kingdom. We are passionate about sharing this with as many parents and parents-to-be as we can. We believe the Absolutely Mama community lives the lifestyle, loves to travel, be out and about, and never settles for less. Therefore we hope for everyone’s votes.

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