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Women in Work : The founders of Bump to Box

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Aasiya Jaffer and Olivia Pippet on what it takes to run a successful subscription box company

Q Why did you decide to start Bump to Box?

When we first met at our antenatal class we started talking and swapping stories. We both realised how overwhelmed we were with all the pregnancy products out there and discussed how on earth we would go about even starting to sift out the best – and importantly – the most useful items from such a massive marketplace. Which cream? Which oil? What ingredients? So much is on offer now, it’s so hard to know what you really need and even then, which brands do you go for?

Two lunches, several decaf lattes and a notebook full of scribbles later, Bump to Box was born! We realised there was a big gap in the market for busy mamas/mamas-to-be who, like us, want to have access to the best products and services, but who don’t necessarily have time to spend researching (let alone the time to actually get to the shops). Enter Bump to Box.

Q What are your backgrounds and did they prove helpful to the successful running of the company?

Although we both come from very different backgrounds (Aasiya is in luxury fashion marketing and Olivia is a lawyer in the luxury retail space), when we first met something just clicked. We quickly realised that with our combined skillsets, we would have a very solid infrastructure from which to develop and run our business. We both bring completely unique skills to the table, which really helps us cover all the bases and gives us a very broad commercial outlook. Running a start-up alongside motherhood has meant we’ve had to become master multi-taskers so we have really learned the art of being super organised, having impeccable diary management and keeping totally on top of our never-ending to-do lists! We are firm believers that you get back what you put in and we are really proud of Bump to Box, everything that it’s achieved to date and what’s to come in the future – so watch this space!

Q Subscription box companies are a massive growth industry – especially when it comes to beauty and grooming. Why do you think that is?

We live in an age where we can access almost any type of commodity, at any time day or night thanks to the wonderful world of e-commerce. If you couple that with the continuous expansion of the beauty and grooming industry and the trends in how millennials and the Z generation are shopping then you can really start to understand the allure of the subscription box. The latest trends show us that consumers want convenience and variety. They get bored quickly so they like to have options and from that perspective, a subscription model ticks all their boxes…these days you don’t even need to leave your house to stay on top of all the latest beauty and grooming trends, because they’re all researched, manufactured, packaged up beautifully and then delivered to your door. It’s such a simple but effective marketing tool too as you can introduce a customer to a niche beauty brand or can encourage someone to diversify their grooming habits by offering a snazzy alternative to one of their go-to products with minimal effort. It really is a win-win!

Q What do you love most about working for yourselves?

We’ve both nurtured the company and have watched it grow from the ground up but juggling a start-up alongside being busy working mamas hasn’t always been easy. That’s why we both love the flexibility of working for ourselves, as it means we are able to work around our growing families (we both have two-year olds who are gorgeous but can be extremely demanding). It’s so important to us that we are able to work our company around their schedules and around family life in general. So for us, it’s all about striking the right balance and being our own versions of a ‘mumpreneur’ and all that comes with that. We also love watching our company (our second baby) grow and can’t wait to see what’s around the corner.

Q What’s next for the company?

A Sky’s the limit! This is only really the beginning for Bump to Box; we will be expanding our offering into all sorts of different and innovative boxes. We’re constantly thinking of new ways we can help all those deserving mamas out there get the pampering and self-care they need. We can’t give away too many of our trade secrets yet so you’ll need to stay firmly tuned to see all the exciting plans we have in store…

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