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Encouraging Good Dental Health from an Early Age

Dental Health baby

We teamed up with Curaprox to get their tips for encouraging good dental health from a young age

From brushing that first tooth to those first visits to the dentist, encouraging good dental health from an early age is an important part of parenting. Milk teeth are the placeholders for subsequent adult teeth and support the development of speech as well as of the jaw and face. A lot of damage can be prevented by encouraging good oral hygiene from a young age. Dental healthcare specialists, Curaprox share their advice on how to get your little one started.


Right from the early days, the Curababy teething ring is the perfect tool to get tiny mouths ready for brushing. It has been created by orthodontists with varying contours which encourage babies to bite firmly, eliminating teething pain and the need to use numbing gels. Along with its primary function, the biofunctional teething ring features a rattle and a number of surface textures which work to promote sensory and motor skills development. It’s the perfect tool to get little ones curious about cleaning their teeth.


Start brushing your baby’s teeth as soon as the first milk tooth breaks through. Brush twice a day – last thing at night and on one other occasion, and make sure that your child doesn’t eat or lick toothpaste from the tube. This may be tempting as children’s toothpastes are often mild and sweet. It’s also a good idea to encourage children to rinse their mouth with water after lunch or a snack. This will help to wash away leftover food.


The compact brush head of the Curaprox baby toothbrush reaches all areas of the mouth, ensuring that no tooth remains uncleaned. What’s more, there is no danger of injury thanks to the soft, rubberised brush head. You should replace toothbrushes every 3-4 months, or when the bristles get worn or frayed.


It’s important to use fluoride toothpaste as it helps prevent and control tooth decay. Check the label to find a children’s fluoride toothpaste containing no less than 1,000ppm of fluoride or family toothpaste containing between 1,350ppm and 1,500ppm fluoride.


Little ones learn by example to brush with them during the early stages so that they can get the technique down. It’s important to supervise brushing then until your child is around seven or eight years old.


It’s important to take your child to the dentist as soon as their first milk teeth appear. Be positive and encouraging about the trip so as to get them familiar with the environment. Your dentist will advise on how frequently you should make visits and on cavity prevention.

For more information on Curaprox visit

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