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Practical travel tips for adventurous parents with children

Travel tips

While having a baby is one hell of a journey in itself, there’s no reason why you should lose sight of the adventures you had before the little one came along. Travelling with babies really isn’t as intimidating as it might seem, provided you’re prepared. Whether you’re planning a staycation or just exploring your own town or city, get outdoors and start your adventure with our top travel tips with kids.


By the time your little one is walking and talking, think how easy your trips will become if you’ve started from the early days. They’ll soon be able to help out and won’t be scared of tents, rapids, hikes and whatever else you come across. Plus, if you have family adventuring systems in place when they’re newborns, it will be less of a leap to get out and explore, than if you take several years off the outdoor circuit.


One adventure might take you up a mountain, while another could see you navigating the bustling unban chaos of a city centre. Whatever the weather, whatever the terrain, you’ll need a buggy that will go the distance. Look for one that is made for destination travel. The hammock seat and weatherproof fabric of this FastFold from Micralite will keep your little one cool in high temperatures, safe from the sun and dry in unexpected downpours, while the spec wheel base makes for easy manoeuvring. As the name suggests, it folds effortlessly in one quick motion, and with wheels made from the same fibre used to make bullet proof vests, you can be sure of a puncture-free ride.

Micralite Fastfold


With or without kids, anything can happen when you’re about and about with little ones. Don’t be so wedded to your agenda that you fail to see when it’s time to switch to Plan B. Taking children outdoors, especially younger ones, does not always go according to plan. For instance, adults hike for exercise, the views and to get somewhere, while young kids want to throw rocks and play in the mud. Let them; find a balance that makes everyone happy, giving children some say without relinquishing all control.


It helps if you can maintain a semblance of baby’s routine while you’re away, especially when it comes to sleep. Pack the toys and items your child associates with bedtime so that you have the cues that will help them to sleep. If you plan to travel regularly with your little one, it’s worth investing in a travel cot from birth. This means that wherever you set it up, baby will take comfort in the smells and surroundings they’re used to at home. The Micralite Sleep & Go Travel Cot will take you from day one to the infant years by way of a simple newborn insert that can be removed when baby reaches six months. When you’re ready for your first trip, it’s quick to fold up and stores in a slick, padded travel bag that makes it easy and comfortable to move from A to B. It also doubles up a playpen during daylight hours with heavy padding and a zipped side; perfect for playtime at home or in the hotel.


If you plan to stay in more than one place during your trip, do yourself a favour by not bringing all the baby equipment and toys from home. Keep in mind that you should be able to fit all your luggage in a taxi, boat or sometimes even a tuk-tuk. It really does help to be a minimalist – babies don’t need as much as you might think, and make things easy for yourself. We suggest grouping things into small drawstring bags or packing cubes so that they can be accessed in an instant. For example, keep reusable nappies, wipes, changing mat and cream together, so that they can be whipped out quickly when needed. Babies clothes can be kept separate in another bag and medicines and feeding equipment in another. Alternatively, choose bag with multiple pockets and compartments. The Micralite DayPak changing bag has lots of handy storage pockets and a changing matt included.


Adventure travel takes on a whole new meaning when you add a little one into the mix but it certainly doesn’t need to stop. Try some day hikes to test out your baby carrier, and test out a short bike ride or boat trip before setting off on a multi-day adventure. Rent a rustic cabin instead of camping for the first time and backpack a three-mile route to a lake instead of a 10-mile route up a peak. The possibilities are endless.


Perhaps your next adventure will take you on a cityscape; it’s not all about the great outdoors. But even for more conventional travel, it helps to have the right gear on-hand. This Profold pushchair is perfect for weekend getaways. Made from weatherproof fabric it’s adept come rain or shine, and with ample storage to stow shopping and essentials, it’s perfect for exploring a busy city. It folds quickly with one hand, leaving your other free to hold a coffee, and it’s small enough to fit into the boot of a car or the cabin of a plane when you need to get away.

For more information about Micralite and to view the full product range, visit

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Author: Helen Brown

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