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Review: J Spirit Stroller by Junior Jones

J Spirit stroller

Ideal for a family who travels frequently. Lightweight and easy to store

With over 100 years of combined knowledge the Junior Jones team have created a luxury stroller brand that delivers on style AND substance and for me as a mum – it ticks all the right boxes.

The Junior Jones J-Spirit Stroller is a stylish single pushchair with a reversible seat so your child can face forward or rear.

When Leo was younger, I preferred to have him facing me, but now my curious little boy likes to see all the goings on around us – it’s nice to have both options.

Junior Jones  J-Spirit product review

Price and arrival

The stroller is mid-range and on arrival it was very easy to assemble, it came in one box and all I had to do was pop the wheels on.

Age range

Its suitable from birth and has a lay flat position which is ideal for napping, you also have the option to add a carrycot or car seat, which are also available from Junior Jones.

This chair is ideal for first time mums as it will grow with your baby and will last up to 22kg (4-5 years old)

Folding  & Changing of seats

This stroller takes a bit of getting used to when it comes to folding it, but once you get the hang of it, it takes no time at all.

Its freestanding when folded and if you really need a bit more space, you can remove the back wheels, the J-Spirit even fits into the boot of a mini… and even if you don’t have a mini, doesn’t every mum need a little more room when travelling with a baby!


The wheels are large puncture resistant wheels with all wheel suspension provide a smooth ride, offering you the ‘effortless push experience’ that Junior Jones pushchairs are well known for. 

If like me and Leo, you love park or country walks, you will know things can get a little muddy, but have no fear on the J-Spirit the wheels are quick release for easy cleaning.

There is also a fix mode for the front wheels so on rough terrains you can gain back some control. Simply pop these to release and your back in swivel mode, ideal for city living and most importantly hitting the shops.

The breaks are easy to push but something to point out is that you need to make sure you hear a click to make sure you baby stays safe.


One of my favourite things about this stroller is the handlebar which is really smooth.  Easy to adapt to suit all heights, so if your partner or friend is a little taller, you can simply adjust the position here… a good excuse to show this feature off you need a pushing break!

Basket and storage

There is a good size basket underneath the chair, perfect for storing essential items, but if like me you go in for a loaf of bread and come out with most of the supermarket, you may need to bring your partner to carry your extra bags, it’s a little snug.

Comfort for my baby

The stroller has 3 recline positions (1, 2, 3), and it comes with a five point harness, that is actually really easy to clip together.

This model comes with a large sun canopy to keep your child protected from the sun whilst out and about, it also features this handy ventilation panel for warmer days. 


I like this stroller because its modern and stylish.  This is the insignia navy but it also comes in  comes in graphite black and frost grey. The material is durable and great quality making this a long-lasting product.


A swing away bumper provides extra security, Leo always knows when the bumper goes in its time to set off. He loves this feature. The J-Spirit comes with a rain cover to ensure your baby stays dry on those rainy days out.

Junior Jones also have other accessories to fit your J-Spirit including a stroller visor, thermal shopping basket, buggy boards, changing bags and much more, so you can get plenty of add on’s at an extra cost.


If like me, you travel a lot this stroller is ideal because it’s lightweight and folds up small – so perfect for the travelling family.

I think it’s important when purchasing a pushchair that you invest in something that can grow with your child and with all of the adaptable features the J-Spirit certainly fulfils this brief.

So, you know my thoughts, but here is the important test… let’s see what Leo thinks! By Rachel Ducker

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