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Riding High

Fathers Day

Ensure it's a Father's Day to remember with a gift to get Dad moving...

Words Helen Baron

It’s Father’s Day this Sunday and we’re confronted once again with the age-old conundrum: what to get Dad?

Everyone knows dads present the toughest gifting challenge. Either they don’t have distinct or discernible passions or interests, or they follow them so obsessively that even your best-researched efforts can’t match up to their own specialist knowledge. You end up buying them golf equipment they don’t really need, whisky they would never choose themselves or socks that scream ‘desperately last-minute’. Of course, all of the above will earn a grateful smile  – but it’s a smile that suggests something less than the surprised excitement you’d hoped for. It’s a real problem.

Except this year, we have the solution.

Kids love scooters. Dads love their kids. And rare is the father who doesn’t like to steal a little scoot when given the chance. Combine all of the above and the answer is clear: get Dad a scooter of his own and they can all whizz around together, happy as lambs (while you grab a coffee and dive into that book you’ve been neglecting all year).

Our recommendation is to stick to the high-quality models produced by the UK’s leading company, Micro Scooters. Their scooters are compact but incredibly well-built, with integrated foot-brakes, customisable colour schemes and a range of cool accessories – from handlebar streamers to helmets – that are sure to keep kids interested. They’re also available for littles aged 1 and up.

For adults, the range is (if anything) even more impressive, with ultra-portable versions, everyday rides with chunkier wheels and even electrically-assisted models. Check out the Micro Flex in matt black (pictured): speedy, streamlined and oh-so-stylish. What’s more, they’re offering 20% off the grown-up models in the run-up to Father’s Day. The ideal present at a very reasonable price point: like we said, problem solved!

father's day
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