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The Product All Multitasking Mums Need Now, Plus Tips for Getting Things Done


Life with a little one pulls you in a million directions at once; the only way to get it all done sometimes is to take on six things at once. With that in mind we’ve assembled our top tips to help multitasking mums to get things done.


Does the ironing really need to get done today, or can you leave it for when you don’t have a million other things to do? Create a to-do list for the week and be realistic about the amount of time each task will take. Slotting your errands into a seven-day plan enables you to see them more clearly in order of importance and makes it easier to move seamlessly from one to another.


Investing in a baby wrap is one of the simplest ways to get on with your day while keeping your little one front and centre – quite literally. Babies love to feel snuggled and warm and studies have shown that the more babies are held, the less they will cry and fuss. Not only does wearing your baby on your chest make for a happy and stress-free environment for them, it also keeps your hands free to accomplish other things. What’s more, holding your baby so close allows them to tune into your rhythmic breathing, creating a stronger bond between the two of you.


Whether you worship at the chapel of Apple or you’re on an old-school Nokia, it can be beneficial to make the most of the technology you have. Hands-free calls mean that you can catch up with your nearest and dearest while doing to washing up and ironing, and a wide range of apps means that you’ve practically got a PA in your pocket. From money-saving apps and baby monitors to shopping list creators and fitness trackers, there is something for every task or hobby these days, you just need to find the ones that suit you.



Don’t be afraid to ask for help and accept it when necessary. No one can be Super Mum all the time and if you burn yourself out, you’ll never get anything done. Understand that you don’t have to do everything yourself. Make one of your multi-tasks deciding which jobs you’ll let someone else tackle and delegate accordingly.


Taking a scattergun approach to your to-do list simply won’t work with an infant—there’s every potential that things will change at a moment’s notice according to your baby’s needs. Instead, focus on a small and precise groups of tasks for each break period that presents itself. Checking and answering emails can be one, and then stay on the computer for task number two: ordering the weekly food shop, for example. Later you can cluster all of the cleaning tasks together. Just try to see one task through to its end before beginning another.


Don’t forget to include yourself in your priorities. A half-hour of relaxation here and there is just as important as the other tasks on your list. Becoming a parent shifts your mentality entirely from ‘me’ to ‘my little one’ meaning that downtime and relaxation often go out the window. Make time for yourself doing the things you love most, whether that’s a warm bubble bath or curling up with a book for 20 minutes. It’s important to give yourself a break in the day when you can recharge your batteries and get back to your best form.


From the nursery run and the playground to the post office, getting your baby or toddler from A to B while keeping them smiling and occupied can often be one of the more taxing aspects of the agenda. Our top suggestion for you is to find a multitasking masterpiece that will not only make your day to day errands with toddler in tow much easier but will also keep them smiling and active while you’re at it. multitasking masterpieces and will make the day-to-day errands that much easier.

The smarTfold 700 from smarTrike is of these masterpieces and our top pick for multitasking mums. This eight-in-one trike marries ease and convenience with the utmost in infant comfort. It folds compactly making it ideal for travel and easy storage, yet doesn’t compromise on the mod-cons. What’s more, it’ll take your baby from six months through to the toddler years with snap-in pedals that take it from push trike to one that can be peddled. Convenient for you, and fun for the little one. This particular model also has the option or parent and forward facing positions and a reclining seat for added convenience so babies as young as 6 months old can enjoy the ride until they are at the age when the pedalling adventure begins.

The smarTfold 300 Plus is another must-have product from smarTrike for getting you and your young family from one place to the next. This 6in1 trike is also compact folding and fits easily in the car with all your other parenting and baggage clutter. The steering is super easy and one of a kind compared to other trikes, all thanks to the smarTrike one Touch Steering system. It really is quite a clever tricycle and one that will stay the test of time as babies grow from 10 months to 3 years.

For more information about smarTrike visit

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