Monthly Parenting Magazine

Just Chill Baby Sleep

Absolutely Mama Awards 2023

Just Chill Baby Sleep

Best For Baby Sleep Just Chill Baby

Best For Baby Sleep
Absolutely Mama Awards 2023

Rosey Davidson aka Just Chill Mama is an author, speaker and founder of Just Chill Baby Sleep, an infant sleep consultancy supporting families to get better sleep.

Rosey is a relatable mum of three, and the sleep consultant of choice for many celebrity parents. Rosey is passionate about getting no-nonsense, honest information out to parents via her social media platform. She also offers expert support with her award-winning online courses, 1-2-1 consultations, and her new book.

Rosey’s passion for sleep began after experiencing first-hand the effects of sleep deprivation with her first child. Already a qualified baby massage teacher, Rosey trained as an infant sleep consultant and launched Just Chill Baby Sleep.

Led by Rosey, the Just Chill Baby Sleep team now includes four other sleep consultants. These members of the team also bring in a range of other skills and experiences including a Clinical Psychologist, Paediatric nurse and early years education experience (and are also all mums to young children).

Just Chill Baby Sleep is proud to support families around the world to sleep better. With regular live discussions, Q&As, blogs, newsletters and free resources across her social media platforms, Rosey has built up a community of nearly 300k followers.

In addition to sleep support, Just Chill Baby Sleep also offers courses on potty training, introducing solid food, introducing a second child and toddler behaviour – giving families access to trusted expert advice for the first months and years of parenthood.
Rosey is also proud to be a campaigner for childhood for the NSPCC and aims to support and empower parents everywhere.