Monthly Parenting Magazine

Absolutely Mama Awards 2024

Very Puzzled

Nominated for: Best toy

Very Puzzled

Hold onto your hats, because Very Puzzled is about to steal the show! Here’s why this amazing company, run by a super cool dad and his 12-year-old puzzle prodigy daughter (talk about family goals!), deserves a spot on your Absolutely Mama trophy shelf:

Imagine this: Your little one, glazed over from screen time, suddenly lights up when you unveil the Very Puzzled Africa map jigsaw puzzle. It’s a breathtaking view of the map of Africa with each country represented showcasing the history, culture and geography of Africa. Suddenly, their tiny fingers are reaching for colourful shapes, their minds are racing to fit the pieces together. It’s like magic! (Well, not really, but it is pretty captivating.)

But Very Puzzled is more than just captivating entertainment. These puzzles are like tiny passports to incredible cultures. While your mini-explorer assembles their jigsaw puzzle, you can weave tales of Anansi and Mansa Musa. It’s a win-win: quiet time for you, a sneaky geography lesson for them, and memories made that will last a lifetime!

And because they’re a family-run business (kudos to Patrick Adom and his puzzle-loving daughter!), you know Very Puzzled is crafted with love and care. They’re high-quality, built to withstand playtime adventures (and maybe even a rogue juice spill or two). Plus, the stunning images are designed to be as educational as they are engaging. Every completed puzzle is a double dose of awesome!

The icing on the cake? Very Puzzled puzzles are gracing the shelves of John Lewis, Waterstones, and Hamleys, not to mention over 15 museums! That kind of cred speaks volumes about the quality and wonder these puzzles bring.

So there you have it. Very Puzzled puzzles are the perfect blend of fun, learning, and top-notch quality – everything parents could ask for in a toy. Time to get those votes rolling in and watch your little one become the coolest puzzle master on the block!