Monthly Parenting Magazine

Why the first 1000 days are crucial for your baby&...

Why the first 1000 days are crucial for your baby’s long-term health


New parents have a lot to get to grips with in the first couple of months (and years!). But did you know that the first 1000 days from conception to a little one’s second birthday are considered a critical window of opportunity for shaping your baby’s long-term health? Read on to find out why this period is so crucial.

The impact of rapid brain development

Neural growth: Baby’s brains grow rapidly during the first 1000 days, forming millions of neural connections every second. Nutrition, stimulation, and care are all essential for cognitive development. All of these things have a huge impact on learning, memory, and emotional regulation.

Critical periods: Key skills, such as language development, are impacted by baby’s early experiences and interactions.  

Photography for Colief by Roger Kenny Dublin.

Building a strong nutritional foundation

Maternal nutrition: We know it’s tempting to give into all of your fast-food cravings(!), but it’s important to think about nutrition during pregnancy. Your diet has a direct impact on baby’s development. Making sure you’re getting enough nutrients including folic acid, iron, and DHA is vital for brain and organ development.

Breastfeeding: If you’re able to breastfeed, breast milk provides all the essential nutrients for the first six months. It is packed full of antibodies to protect against infections.

Baby nutrition: Once your little one starts eating solids, a balanced diet is crucial for supporting healthy growth. It also lowers the risk of long-term chronic diseases and conditions such as obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Supplements: In addition to a balanced diet, supplements such as Colief® Multibiotic Drops can have a positive impact on digestive health. Colief® Multibiotic Drops are suitable for both breastfed and formula-fed babies. They contain 1.1 billion live cultures of Lactobacillus rhamnosus, LGG®, one of the most researched gut-loving bacteria strains in the world and Bifidobacterium infantis, a scientifically proven friendly bacteria for babies and children. 

Photography for Colief by Roger Kenny Dublin.

Developing the immune system

Building immunity: The first 1000 days is a critical period for building the immune system. Good nutrition and exposure to different microbes form the foundation of a strong immune system that can protect against illnesses.

Leading UK nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert, who specialises in pre- and post-natal nutrition, has partnered with Colief® to raise awareness of the importance of maintaining your baby’s natural gut flora.

She says: “Supporting the natural development of our baby’s gut microbiome is so important for their overall health and immune system. Research now suggests that the first few months of a baby’s life are key when it comes to the balance of gut bacteria, as the gut microbiome undergoes the majority of its development before the age of 2 years.

This is where factors like diet and environment play a role, as they can encourage or disrupt this delicate balance. It’s important to encourage a diverse diet throughout a child’s life but especially under the age of 2. Alongside a healthy balanced diet you can use a supplement, such as Colief® Multibiotic Drops. These contain live cultures that may help to introduce and sustain beneficial bacteria in your baby’s digestive system.”

Long-term health: Building a robust immune system early on reduces the likelihood of developing allergies, autoimmune diseases, and other chronic conditions. Colief® Multibiotic Drops strengthen the immune system, potentially lowering the risk of allergies and promoting overall well-being.

Strengthening emotional and social foundations

Behavioural development: Your little one’s future mental health is greatly impacted by their early interactions. Interactions with you, other caregivers, and other children influence their ability to regulate their emotions, form social bonds, as well as develop a sense of self-worth.

Attachment and bonding: The emotional bond formed during this period with a child and their caregivers is especially important. This sets the stage for social relationships and emotional well-being later on. Forming a secure attachment with your child will contribute to better mental health and help to build resilience.

Laying the building blocks for physical growth

Bone development: The first 1000 days are crucial for bone density and muscle growth. These are both key to overall health, as well as physical ability later in life.

Critical growth period: Nutrition and health care help to ensure proper physical growth. If your little one’s growth is stunted in this period, it can lead to long-term development delays and health issues.

Boosting long-term health outcomes

Prevention of chronic diseases: Nutrition, care, and environment during the first 1000 days all contribute to reducing the risk of chronic health conditions. 

Epigenetics: Did you know that early experiences including nutrition, emotional environment, microbiome development, exposure to toxins, and physical activity can influence gene expression through epigenetic mechanisms? This is a key piece of the puzzle when it comes to long-term health outcomes.

Laying cognitive and educational foundations

Foundation for learning: The cognitive skills formed in these early years lay the foundations for future learning and academic success later on. Studies have linked proper nutrition and stimulation to better performance in school as well as higher IQs.

Socio-economic impact: The first 1000 can have a profound impact on long-term socio-economic outcomes. Laying the foundations of good physical and mental health sets children up for future success.

Final thoughts

The first 1000 days are key for laying the building blocks for long-term physical, cognitive, and emotional development. By focusing on good nutrition, stimulation, and care you can have a profound impact on your little one’s lifelong health and well-being. 

Paid Partnership with Colief

Colief® Multibiotic Drops 8ml are available to buy for £8.00 on For more information on Colief® Multibiotic Drops head to their website here: