Monthly Parenting Magazine

How to help your baby adjust to the clocks going f...

How to help your baby adjust to the clocks going forward

Pexels William Fortunato

The clocks ‘spring forward’ this weekend (Sunday March 26th) to daylight saving time. As most parents know, any small change to sleep and wake times can play havoc with your little one’s sleep routine at the best of times. Luckily there are things that you can do ahead of the clocks going forward. Read on for our top tips.

Get a head start

Gradually shift bedtime forward by 10-15 mins each night in the lead-up to the clocks going forward. So if your little one usually goes to bed at 7pm, on night one move bedtime forward to 6.45pm, night two make it 6.30pm, etc until bedtime is at 6pm (or 7pm new time) on Sunday.

Don’t forget to change nap times too

If you’re bringing bedtime forward, don’t forget to change nap times accordingly too. Mealtimes will also need to move forward in line with this.

Fit blackout blinds in your little one’s room

The longer days during British summertime can also affect your little one’s sleep routine if it’s lighter in their room in the morning and evening. To avoid the dreaded 5am wake-ups (and bedtime refusal), make sure you fit black-out blinds in their room.

Optimise their sleep space

As well as blackout blinds, make sure their sleep space is optimal by keeping it calm, quiet, and cool. According to the Lullaby Trust, the safest room temperature for babies is 16-20°C. Don’t forget to change their bedding or sleep sack to a lighter tog as the weather warms up too.

Carry on with your usual bedtime routine

Bedtime routines are even more important whilst you’re shifting to a new time. Whatever you usually do to signal to your little one that it’s bedtime, make sure you keep it the same. Whether it’s bedtime stories, bathtime, milk, or cuddles.

Get outside

Light affects our international body clock, so spending time outside in the natural light can help to reset it. Make sure you schedule some time at the play park or time in the garden this weekend.

Let them play

Lots of physical activity will help to wear little ones out and make sure they’re ready to go down at bedtime. Lots of playtime should help whilst you’re transitioning their bedtime in the next few days.

Don’t stress out

If moving your little one’s bedtime forward in the next couple of days isn’t possible, don’t worry too much. Go with the flow as any problems with bedtimes and wake times will usually just sort themselves out within a couple of days.

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