The ultimate skincare treatments by Carly Glendinning and Helen Baron
This is one of the easiest skincare treatments for healthy, glowy skin. Vitamin Injections London offers a range of intravenous solutions for all manner of ailments. Together with your consultant you can identify and target any deficiencies, including stress, fatigue and even memory loss. It’s increasingly apparent that regular supplements aren’t up to the job, with much of their goodness processed out by the digestive system while free radicals and air pollution continue to cause oxidative damage to cells, contributing to ill health. According to Vitamin Injections London, lethargy, fatigue and ‘brain fog’ can be attributed to heavy metals found in the brain. Coupled with vitamin-deficient foods (thanks, soil erosion!), the appeal of a potent, intravenous dose of tailored vitamins becomes clear.
I’m in for cognitive enhancement (an injection? I might need a bucketload) but it’s immensely satisfying to know I’m increasing my body’s uptake of detoxifying nutrients, direct into the bloodstream. The treatment takes minutes and I do feel bright-eyed afterwards. I’m given some Vitamin B complex patches to wear in the coming days. I can see this becoming addictive…
Prices start from £110;
Emma Cannon’s approach bridges the gap between western medicine and complementary therapies, guiding each patient to find the treatment path that is right for them. Her new crystal bed uses colour and crystal healing energy to repair the human biofield and bring our mental, emotional and physical selves into balance. Set to a special vibrational frequency, the colour of each crystal represents a different chakra in the body, suspended from a stand over the treatment bed.
After a helpful in-depth consultation, Emma invites me to lie down on her treatment bed. It feels like I’m in her living room, surrounded by rugs, books and low lighting. The treatment is an add-on to acupuncture, so she inserts some hair-like needles into my acupressure points. It’s so relaxing that I can’t help but drift off. The next day I feel a little emotional, but definitely lighter and as Emma describes, like I have a kind of protective field around me.
Prices start from £50 (as an add-on to acupuncture);
Breathpod founder Stuart Sandeman is on a mission to show how the practice of ‘breathwork’ can lower stress and anxiety levels, boost energy and even alleviate health issues, all by allowing our cells to get the oxygen they need. According to Stuart, one thing that humans do differently to other mammals is hold our breath as an emotional response – when we’re angry, upset, surprised etc. He tells me we can ‘hack’ the messages transmitted from the body’s respiratory system to the neural pathways in the brain by simply changing our breathing pattern. In for a one-to-one session, I lie down and begin by breathing in and out through my mouth in a flowing rhythm.
Stuart identifies that my breathing is centred in my chest and tells me that I should breathe into my stomach to help with energy flow and grounding. Throughout the session, he instructs me to stamp my feet and shake my arms, whilst crying out for as long as I can to release tension. He also focuses attention on different acupressure points. These treatments is aimed at creating a higher vibration in the body and as the treatments goes on I feel a tingling in my hands, like they are about to take off. When we are finished, I feel a little bit light-headed and almost like an energy blockage has been released.
Prices start from £150 (for a one-to-one session);
A ‘bootcamp’ for beauty, Face Gym treatments take a training approach to get beauty results, so it’s not a facial per se but rather a workout targeting the forgotten 40 muscles of the face – with instant results. I’m at the slick new salon in trendy Coal Drops Yard for the Signature Electrical. My lovely ‘face-trainer’ applies custom-blend (gorgeous-smelling and all natural) Dr. Levy products, then I’m treated to ten minutes with the Facegym Pro device, which stimulates muscles, contours cheekbones and restores skin’s elasticity. There are a variety of workouts to choose from – such as ‘Party Face’, ‘Holiday Skin’ and (exclusive to the Selfridges outpost) the ‘Hollywood Lunchtime Lift’. All are tailored to different skin needs, whether you want to combat pollution or soothe a hormonal breakout.
While the device feels a little odd, it’s not unpleasant and the treatment is relaxing. A Gua Sha stone is applied to pressure points to ease tension while a training ball is used on my chest to open up the muscles, much like in a yoga class. My skin feels like it’s been deep-cleaned – my cheekbones look more defined, my complexion more plumped. I’m also intrigued by the Cryo Oxygen, a hit of hydration and active ingredients to blast out pores, and am absolutely going to book before the next event I attend.
Prices start from £15 for Quick Clean Skin IV and £50 for a workout;
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