Mum fashion goes grunge with Carrie Anne Roberts, mama to River, 18 months, and founder of online store Mere Soeur
Words Helen Baron
How would you describe your style?
Confused. I’m either in delicate nudes and pinks or black leather, ripped denim and OTT jewellery. I wouldn’t know how to shop for a complete wardrobe. I tend to pick up whatever I like the look of when it’s still on the hanger, then try to mash these random items together afterwards and call it an outfit. Sometimes I get lucky. My staples are my (faux) leather jacket, pins, every shade of denim and pink almond nails.
Is that reflected in your baby’s style?
Absolutely! Now I think about it, I dress him how I’d dress myself if I were a boy. Miniature leather jackets, lots of fringing, baby sneaks and a hat. Always a hat!
Tell us about the mum-related products on the Mère. Soeur. site; what’s the idea behind it all?
Mère Soeur was and still is inspired by the power of sisterhood and the importance of showing yourself some love – instead of letting mum-guilt take over or constantly putting yourself last. Acceptance and understanding go a long way and we’re all in this together. Regardless of what parenting ‘style’ you adopt, it’s your duty to offer support to others without judgement.

How has your style changed since you became a mum? Or is that the point – that your style doesn’t have to change once you become a mum?
Styles evolve over time but I wouldn’t say I’ve changed my style too much since becoming a mum. However, I did buy a pair of trainers, my first since high school, a couple of months ago (never looking back). And I now buy baggier t-shirts so I can pull them up for easy boob access. That is the extent of my style switch-up. You are still you! If anything, becoming a mum has given me more confidence and the freedom to become a bit bolder with my fashion choices (good and bad).
What’s been the most fun thing about setting the business up? What do you want to do with it next?
I love wearing all of the many hats, from chief parcel-packer to new product designer and even dealing with all the admin! It’s intense but that’s what I love about it. I don’t like to stand still. Regardless of what form it takes, I’d like to keep delivering messages of positivity, sisterhood among mothers, and the benefits of having self-belief and a DIY ethos. I’m not saying that I don’t have a plan but I believe more in letting ideas happen organically than working like a crazy woman to make them come to life as soon as physically possible. I’m a ‘fly by the seat of my pants’ kinda girl.