Monthly Parenting Magazine

Tot Gear: Practical Kit for Easier Parenting

Tot Gear: Practical Kit for Easier Parenting

Mama rounds up the best gear to make parenting easier

How To Make Parenting Easier

Absolutely Mama makes parenting easier by rounding up some practical kit. Read on to hear about items we think will make everything run a little more smoothly, from the best new stroller to a high tech watch.

Snuggle Up

We love this: a portable baby “nest” in delectably soft organic cotton that can just as easily zip in to your Joolz stroller as it can strap securely into a Joolz car seat. And all without waking a sleeping baby! Available in a range of muted colours, it’s a winner style-wise, too. Time for bed…

joolz basket

Joolz Essentials Nest, £65

Hot Wheels

The British brand hits the target once again with its Ocarro Explorer stroller. This model marries sophisticated design with rugged engineering for a stroller that can cope with any adventure. We’ve added the distinctive khaki colourway to our autumn wishlist. Seriously stylish.

mamas papas stroller Mamas and Papas Ocarro Explorer £949

Tech of the Month

Medically endorsed and promising 89% accuracy, the Ava tracker predicts your fertility window. It works by tracking nine different parameters while you sleep. Paired with the app, it’s a fascinating and useful window to your cycle.

ava watch app

Ava Watch £249

Eufy Robovac

Think of this clever gizmo as mother’s little helper – completely self-guided, he’ll whirr quietly around your home vacuuming up dust and debris before returning himself to his port to recharge. The RoboVac’s slimline, disc-like shape allows it to glide easily under sofas, sideboards and tables, thereby reaching places your regular vacuum can’t. Emptying the collected debris is a cinch, and there’s even a remote for those who like to give more direction. That said, your RoboVac won’t take long to map your home. By using clever sensors, it avoids bumping into things (or pets, or inquisitive children). As soon as it senses an obstruction, the RoboVac stops and heads off in a different direction. And while it won’t replace your manual vacuum completely, it offers one extra bonus: little ones will love it. Our RoboVac had been out of its box all of three seconds before our eldest had christened it Hoovy, and announced that she wanted to stay home and help it work. All in all, a family favourite from the start – and as close to an extra pair of hands as you’ll find without enlisting Dad or Granny.

Eufy Robovac £209.99