Absolutely understands it can be hard to get a good nights rest with young children. However, we think we’ve found the perfect solution in the Sleepyhead Grand.
Words Leah Day
Take back your sleep without the guilt with the Sleepyhead Grand
As a newly single mum of two and with all the fun and games that go with co-parenting, I have found myself in a rather compromising bedroom situation. Sleep feels like a distant hobby that I used to do once! I know that many parents actively choose to co-sleep with their tiny tots and I’m all for what ever works, but I really value my space! My toddler however did not appear get this memo.
I started trawling the Internet one sleepless night in December for tips and advice of how to get my baby back into his own bed and least of all to stop sleeping spread eagled across my face. This is when I came across the Sleepyhead Grand.
When my youngest was tiny, we had the Sleepyhead Deluxe which was a godsend for transferring my snoozy baby from the comfort of my arms to his bed, but I had no idea they did a toddler size one. So just before Christmas, with the foresight of an unsettled routine and an imminent house move ahead of us, I ordered the Sleepyhead Grand.

Instantly from opening up the box, my toddler was in love. I placed it on the sofa and he promptly requested a bonket (blanket) and a bop bop (milk) to which I willingly provided. This was the start of our journey back to everyone getting a much better night sleep and me feeling like a human again.
We took it to the grandparents in it’s handy travel bag over Christmas and I was able to keep his routine relatively normal and now we home, we have an air of calmness around bedtime. It’s cushioned sides mean that he won’t roll out of his big boy bed and on the nights that he ends up with me means that he stays put in his cosy cocoon and not across my face! It comes in a range of fantastic print to suit every style imaginable and best of all is when he role plays with his big brother, they are pirates and the Sleepyhead is their ship.