How to create a timeless and stylish bedroom for your little one with the experts from Ollie and Leila
Creating A Timeless Children’s Bedroom
Whilst most parents’ main aim is to ensure that their choice of children’s room gets the thumbs up from their incredibly discerning small person there is another, more wallet-centred problem that they must tackle – it has to last the test of time. How many of us could face re-decorating a bedroom year in year out? Here are a few ideas to help you create a timeless bedroom:
Whilst it may be tempting to go for a very specific theme for your child’s bedroom, hold off! Whilst Peppa Pig may be flavour of the month at the moment, this may change. And if you have covered the furniture in an homage to Spongebob, you may be cursing your decision down the line, as you are frantically stripping and re-painting the bedroom. Choosing one muted colour for the bedroom is a great idea. You can then add little splashes of whatever theme/colour you (or your child) chooses. E.g. cushions, bedspreads, lampshades etc, can be easily and relatively cheaply replaced, whilst the main palette of the room stays the same.

As children grow so does their collection of ‘stuff’. As each birthday and Christmas rolls around, the toy pile grows and grows and thus does your need to find places to store them. Finding practical solutions for storage early on will save you hours of fuss later down the line. Midsleeper beds are built high, so the space underneath can hide a multitude of sins. Some designs offer in-built furniture underneath, like shelves, cupboards and desks (incredibly useful as your child starts to do homework) or you can keep the space clear, creating a den for your children to play in, as well as a huge storage place.
Supersize Your Sleep Space
What is right for the toddler may be wrong for the tween. Like your ever-growing and developing youngster, one key to having a bedroom that lasts is having furniture that grows with your child and their needs. So furniture that is easily adaptable is key. For example, investing in a trundle bed – a bed with a mattress underneath (cunningly disguised as a drawer) that can be pulled out for an extra sleeping space. Whilst you may not be able to imagine your child having sleepovers at the moment, it will be no time at all before your children and their friend are clamouring for midnight snacks. With a trundle bed you don’t need to worry about purchasing and storing a fold away bed, you have one already!
However you choose to decorate your children’s room, ensure that you make choices that will last. By shopping with companies like Ollie and Leila, you are guaranteed quality, timeless, beautiful and bespoke children’s furniture that has been built to last, with not a flat pack in sight!