We have teamed up with Hector’s Post to give one lucky person the chance to win a full range of 6 personalised books for the winner and two friends (that’s 18 books in total)!
A total value of over £500!
About Hector’s Post
Personalised books to inspire happy positive children. These wonderful stories created by a wife and husband team, combine brilliantly fun and intricate old fashioned watercolour artwork with engaging stories brimful of adventure! And best of all, they teach little ones the values we all cherish most dearly – those of kindness and courage, honesty and gratitude.
Your child stars as the hero in each of the six stories, as there is no better way for a child to learn and understand values or coping mechanisms than from a first-person perspective. It is truly empowering. By befriending a frightened dragon in Be Brave, before going on a good old fashioned adventure to help overcome the dragons fear of the wild woods. Or whilst on a hot air balloon journey finding a thoughtless elephant causing mischief, so teaching the elephant to always think of others and how to Be Kind. In the other four books your child can befriend a flustered turtle in Be Calm, a glum penguin in Be Happy, a dinosaur that isn’t like the other animals in Be Unique, and finally, in Be Honest your child discovers their teddy is actually a real bear cub telling a fib!

To enter, please fill out the form below:
- The winner must be 18 and older and live in the UK.
- There will be no cash or other alternative to the prize offered and prizes are not transferable.
- Competition closes 13.10.23 Entries after this date will not be counted.
- The winner will be picked at random and notified by email within 7 days of closing.
- Should the first winner not respond within 3 days, we reserve the right to pick a second winner.
- Prize cannot be exchanged for anything else and is not in conjunction with any other offer.
- Those linked to any of the companies involved with the promotion cannot take part.